Dr. Jędrzej Proch’s doctoral thesis awarded
We are proud to announce that Dr. Jędrzej Proch won the competition of the Committee of Analytical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the best doctoral thesis in the field of analytical chemistry in the category of the best doctoral thesis in analytical spectrometry (2024). The official award ceremony took place during the […]
Brak kategorii7.02.2025
Scientific internship in the Hinrichs Lab research group at the University of Bremen (Germany)
Dr. Jędrzej Proch completed a 4-week internship (28.09-25.10.2024) at Hinrichs Lab, Center for Marine Environmental Science (MARUM), University of Bremen (Germany). The aim of the project was to learn how to use the Bruker M4 Tornado (micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometer), as well as to comprehensively understand its advantages and limitations. Dr. Proch conducted elemental mapping of […]
Brak kategorii18.12.2024
Fieldwork for archaeology students
In June 2024, students of archaeometry (a joint master degree study program of Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Archaeology of Adam Mickiewicz University) took part in field classes as part of the subject “In-situ studies of objects and sites”. The classes were conducted by Dr. Jędrzej Proch and Prof. Przemysław Niedzielski with the support of […]
Brak kategorii5.09.2024
IRGA is established
The Interdisciplinary Research Group Archeometry (IRGA) was officially established in early 2021, in cooperation between two Faculties of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań: Faculty of Archeology and Faculty of Chemistry. The group connects scientists from both Faculties and coordinates joint research work carried out for over 10 years in the use of analytical chemistry […]
Brak kategorii16.09.2023